Thursday, December 10, 2020

What to See & Do in Lisbon 👓

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What to See & Do in Lisbon


Much like the "where to stay in Lisbon" question, it's hard to advise on what to see and do in the city without knowing what kind of attractions you prefer.

Have you ever seen those very bored people sitting on benches at museums? Have you ever wondered why are they there in the first place if they're hating it?

Well, part of that is because they are ticking things off a generic list of must-dos and must-sees.

On the blog, I split my tips on what to see and do into three categories:

Art Museums in Lisbon: Where to Go, How to Reach and What to See

Popular Places to See in Lisbon for Bibliophiles

The 31 Best Views in Lisbon (Free and Paid)

If you have a question about something I haven't covered on these emails or the blog, just reply to this email and I'll get back to you as soon as possible.



Rua Francisco Casal, Barreiro

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